
The archive Walter Valentini

carries out studies, survey and research to ensure the protection of the artistic heritage of Walter Valentini also survailling against false and other offenses. The Archives examines and records any work produced by Walter Valentini.


To proceed to the proper authentication of the work / works you must submit the following documents:

  • No. 3 photo of the front of the work at 18 x 24 cm
  • No. 1 photo of the back of the work
  • No. 1 photo of the number of stock, labels, date, signature and the original in TIFF format at 300 dpi, 30 cm in length.
  • All images must be of professional high quality .

It is possible to contact the photographic archive for images of the work / works.
The Photographic Archive is curated by Andrea Valentini the priority is to have a photographic image bank of the works of Walter Valentini constantly updated.
The Walter Valentini Archive does not offer any service concerning estimates or economic evaluations of Walter Valentini’s works.

Contacts for authentication and archiving of works: